hysop.topology.cartesian_descriptor module

class hysop.topology.cartesian_descriptor.CartesianTopologyDescriptor(mpi_params, domain, backend, cartesian_discretization, **kwds)[source]

Bases: TopologyDescriptor

Describes how a CartesianTopology topology should be built.

Initialize a CartesianTopologyDescriptor.


kwds allows for backend specific variables. CartesianTopologyDescriptor is immutable.

property boundaries

Get left and right boundaries.

classmethod build_descriptor(backend, operator, field, handle, **kwds)[source]

Generate a descriptor from a lower level representation. If handle is already a Topology or a TopologyDescriptor it is returned unchanged.

If handle is a CartesianTopologyDescriptors (ie. currently a Discretization), a CartesianTopologyDescriptor is created and returned.

Every new topology type should be registered here.

choose_topology(known_topologies, **kwds)[source]

Find optimal topology parameters from known_topologies. If None is returned, create_topology will be called instead.

create_topology(cutdirs, ghosts)[source]

Build a topology with the current TopologyDescriptor. Free parameters are cutdir and ghosts which are imposed by operators on variables and solved during operator’s method get_field_requirements().

property global_resolution

Get the global global_resolution of the discretization (logical grid_size).

property grid_resolution

Get the global grid resolution of the discretization (effective grid size).

property lboundaries

Get the left boundaries.

match(other, invert=False)[source]

Test if this descriptor is equivalent to the other one.

property rboundaries

Get the left boundaries.

property space_step

Get the space step.

hysop.topology.cartesian_descriptor.CartesianTopologyDescriptors = (<class 'hysop.topology.cartesian_topology.CartesianTopology'>, <class 'hysop.topology.cartesian_descriptor.CartesianTopologyDescriptor'>, <class 'hysop.tools.parameters.CartesianDiscretization'>, <class 'tuple'>, <class 'list'>, <class 'numpy.ndarray'>, <class 'NoneType'>)

Instance of those types can be used to create a CartesianTopologyDescriptor. Thus they can be passed in the variables of each operator supporting CartesianTopology topologies.


Get grid resolution from any type of CartesianTopologyDescriptor.